
Division of Rehabilitation Services (DORS)

What is DORS?

The Maryland Division of Rehabilitation Services (DORS) offers programs and services that help people with disabilities go to work. It is composed of the public vocational rehabilitation (VR) program and the Disability Determination Services (DDS). It also provides services to Maryland businesses.

Contact Information

 DORS’ Website |  DORS’ Facebook
Phone: 410-554-9442 or 888-554-0334 toll free
Videophone: 443-798-2840 (DEAF/HARD of HEARING ONLY)

DORS can help you:

  • Prepare you for your job search
  • Search for a new job
  • Securing and maintaining employment

The Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) program includes:

  • Office of Field Services

    Rehabilitation counselors in offices throughout Maryland provide or arrange for services that may include career counseling, assistive technology, vocational training and/or job placement assistance.

  • Office for Blindness & Vision Services (OBVS)

    Specializes in helping people whose primary disability is blindness or vision loss go to work and stay independent.

  • Workforce & Technology Center (WTC)

    Is a comprehensive rehabilitation facility in northeast Baltimore which offers career assessment services, career and skills training, job placement assistance, assistive technology services and other medical and support services.

The Disability Determination Services (DDS)

DDS makes medical decisions about disability claims filed by Marylanders for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI).

Services for Maryland Businesses

DORS helps Maryland businesses recruit and retain qualified employees with disabilities. DORS matches qualified applicants with job openings and is a resource for disability and employment topics.

DORS can help answer:

  • Where can employers find qualified job seekers with disabilities?
  • What are businesses saying about the value of employees with disabilities?
  • What are innovative workforce solutions that businesses can incorporate today?
  • What innovative strategies can employers use to educate and train individuals with disabilities?