School & Education
Have you thought about what you will do after high school? Do you want to go straight to work, or continue your studies?
What's Next for Me?

Jobs & Career Planning
What do you want to be when you grow up? What are your talents, interests, and abilities?
I want to explore!

Managing Your Money
Learn about your money: spending, saving, and planning for the future. Get money smart!
Tell me more...

My Health & Wellness
Be the best you can be by taking care of yourself. Healthy choices and other tips for staying well or dealing with health issues…
What do I have to know?

My Social Connections
Having fun, being with friends, exploring the world around you is an important part of being a teen.
Yes! I want to be a part of my community!

Do you have questions about your benefits? Did you know you can work even with Social Security, Medicaid, and other public benefits?
I do have some questions...