
Applying for Jobs

What Do I Need to Do?

Applying for your first job is a huge step for many teenagers. Not only are first jobs a great way to earn money, but they’ll give you plenty of experience and work skills along the way. There are a few steps involved in getting a job. Once you find a job opening that you want to pursue, you may need to:

  • Fill out an application
  • Provide a resume
  • Write a cover letter

You don’t have to write these documents alone.  Ask your family, friends, teachers, or counselors for help.

Two teen-girls-writing-on-a-resume-together with papers and a laptop in front of them.

Resumes and Application Forms

Part of the application process for many jobs is to complete an application form and some jobs may also require a resume. The information on an application form is often the same as what is on a resume, so taking the time to create a resume can be very helpful when filling out application forms.

But writing a resume can be time consuming and a little scary. What do you include, especially if it is the first one you have ever written? Here are some resources that may help you through this process.

Cover Letters

A cover letter is sent with your resume to provide additional information on your skills, experience, and why why you are qualified for the job you are applying for.

Job Interviews

Congratulations, you’ve been asked to come in for an interview! Take some time to get prepared.  Career One Stop highlight tips that can help you get ready for the interview.