

My Learning

As you move from high school to the adult world, consider your choices and opportunities. Various programs and services are available to you as you make the transition from high school to adulthood.

Here are some practical things you can do right now while still in high school!

Knowing these will help you figure out what might be a good job for you or what kind of classes to take after high school.

Start now! Working a part-time job or as a volunteer will help build skills you will use later. The experience adds value to your resume.

Check out the Career One Stop website for tools to explore careers. You can take an interest and skills assessment and learn about training that is needed for specific careers.

This will help build your skills and increase your interests.

Featured Resources

Transition programs help you to make a successful adjustment from the school setting to higher education or to work. Find out how to have a successful transition starting at age 14.

Benefits counseling provides information about how working may affect your financial and health benefits. Learn more about benefits counseling.

Before you start, you will need several documents that prove your identify. Employers will ask for your Social Security number (SSN) and an official identification card before hiring you. Find out how you can get these three basic forms of identification.